High-quality medicotechnical devices
+(+45) 88 62 05 00


Ved Skoven 35

8541 Skødstrup


Diagnostic imaging X-ray

Conventional- and mobile X-ray for thoracic, bone and pediatric examinations. DR detectors.

X-ray for irradiation

Biological cabinet X-ray


Mamma diagnostics

Gamma detection system and transportation of tissue samples

Datec Medico Surgery

Kirurgiske instrumenter og 
hæmostase patch


X-ray and software

Blood Irradiation

Irradiates specially designed to prevent Transfusion-associated graft versus host disease (TA-GvHD)


Røntgensystemer til biopsier og præparater

Image Intensifiers

Vacuum-based tubes and camera systems for photon recording. 


Kliniske og pre-kliniske DEXA systemer.

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